Yesterday, I managed to get a little breather. I've been facing a lot of setbacks recently, but after moping around about them for days, I decided to take everyone's opinion into consideration, and just deal with it. I'll make the best of what I can, and maybe, just maybe, it'll turn out better than expected.
I accompanied Belle to her Henna shoot for our Phojourn assignment yesterday. Unbeknownst to us, there was a huge family day event at the Marina Barrage (where we were supposed to be at), which caused a MASSIVE jam along the roads to GBTB and the Barrage. We spent an hour in a stationary cab and ended up paying $22 for not getting anywhere. The rain also decided to screw us all over by coming down at the wrong times (aka whenever we decided to walk to another location).
But nevertheless, I found myself having more fun than expected. I even got a henna for myself, which I haven't done in ages! Sadly the design turned out pretty sucky, but hey it's all about the experience right LOL.
Afterwards, we had a really nice lunch at Paris Baguette. I haven't been there prior to this, but I heard lots of good things about the place, so when Belle suggested Paris Baguette I was all up for it.
To say the hype is worth it is kind of an understatement. I loved the concept of choosing and picking out the salads, sandwiches and soups you want. And the quality of their food is just amazing. I was never really a sandwich person, but their croissant sandwiches tasted so good! Their pasta salad was pretty good too, but to be honest, the star of the show was their Seafood Chowder.
The pictures I took really suck but hey, it's hard to focus on taking nice photos when 1) you're really hungry and you can't wait to dig in and 2) tons of people are surrounding you.
Days like this make me really happy. I'm glad I have someone like Belle around me in school to make me feel more normal. Here's to more #bitterjoeats. ;)
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