Saturday 18 July 2015


Yesterday, I managed to spend an entire day out with friends, without worrying about the piling amount of work waiting for me, and it felt great. I'm pretty sure Q is so sick and tired of listening to me ramble on and on about how stressed I am, or how I never run out of things to do, but somehow he always makes me feel better (I hope I don't jinx things by saying this lols). 

Time check: 4 more weeks (?) until the end of the semester, and maybe then, I can take a short breather for 2 short weeks until internship starts. No break ever seems long enough huh. 


On a side note, I was trying to read After You by Cyril Wong for a review article, until I realised that I was reading the words without contemplating the meaning. I don't seem to understand poems, so is that a sign that I shouldn't try taking Literature for my degree?? Probably HAHA. 

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