Monday 24 October 2016

at a crossroad

Our little overseas venture halted earlier than expected, thanks to an absolutely stupid blunder that I made on my end. Don't want to get into specifics but thinking about it still makes me disappointed in myself. But sometimes, things happen for a reason. And I'm pretty thankful for my trip ending a little earlier because a) it saves me a wee bit more money, and b) I can be with Lun before he prepares for his first outfield experience as a SGT (happening right now). I didn't really know how homesick I felt until I touched back down into Singapore, and got to see my favourite person for the first time in 2 weeks.

But right now, I feel so... stuck. I just found out over the weekend that entry into my course does not exactly require a perfect GPA score - all I need is a sturdy, convincing portfolio, and an aced interview. It definitely made me feel a lot more reassured. My GPA is not the best (in fact, it's pretty bad), so being able to enter a course that I love without worrying about my score is great. But at the same time, it sets me back a step when I get a reality check. My portfolio hasn't exactly grown as much as I'd want it to throughout this gap year that I'm taking off my studies. Sure, I've finally ticked a couple of things of my all-time must-do list, but I still feel like that's not enough. To be honest, will anything ever be enough?

It's time to start sending out some emails, working on more personal projects, and finally mapping my mind out. Keeping my fingers crossed that people will actually reply me.

The term 'doing this for my portfolio' has never held more meaning till now.